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Name: Larry “L-Dub” Wahl

City of Birth/Current City: Fort Collins, Colorado. Raised in Windsor, Colorado. Living in Red Feather Lakes Colorado

How long have you been into music, and what was your attraction? I have loved music since I was about 10 years old. After struggling with drug addiction, I almost lost everything. Making music has helped me refocus. It is something I could commit to, and spend my time on. It has really changed my life.

How is the Colorado music scene? The Colorado music scene is amazing. There is so much talent out here it’s incredible.

What was the inspiration behind the new song and video "Stuck"? After being through such heartache I wanted to make something listeners could relate to. We’ve all had struggles whether it be relationship issues, burnt bridges, or losing something we’ve held closely to. I just feel like everyone has had some experience that made them feel trapped and I just wanted something that would stick in listeners' minds because they can relate to it.

What do you enjoy most about being an artist? I love the fact that there are so many ways to grow and improve your skills. It makes me strive to be the best at what I love to do.

As a new artist, what is your biggest obstacle? The fact that you’re not only an artist, but also an entrepreneur. There are so many things that go into it: Production, Marketing, Promotion. If you can’t do it all, you gotta hire an expert. It’s out of pocket when you are just starting out; hey just another opportunity to learn something new. Makes you really appreciate all of the behind the scenes stuff that went into making all your favorite artists great, ya know?

What is your short-term music goal? First, I just want to drop an amazing album. Something that shows off my skills and gets the buzz spreading like wildfire.

What is your long-term music goal? To make my passion/obsession into how I spend the rest of my life working on; making it my source of income. The thing that I can focus all of my time and energy on without worrying about making ends meet.

Who or what has been your biggest influence when creating music? Eminem has always been a huge influence for me; not only his music, but being able to send a positive message. Anyone can change, no matter who you are or where you’ve been, you just have to have the right mindset to do so.

What type of adversity have you had to overcome while on your path to greatness? The biggest issue for me has been getting heard, and gaining the fans that vibe with my music. There is so much that goes into it, from social media to trying to street promo before a show in a city half way across the state. I know it will come with time and perseverance. I’ve got plenty of both.

We all have had that point of no return moment when deciding to push towards a goal. Were you nervous to start this path of vulnerability as an artist? Absolutely I was! As I gained experience, it became so much easier to lose that mental block that held me back for so long, but hey now I’m off and running and good luck trying to slow me down.

How do you stand out among other artists? I just try to keep it as real as possible man. Even though It can be a struggle, I just focus on what makes me unique. The fact that I have my own style, and flow that’s not only relatable. It makes you think. That’s what makes my music more relatable.

Tell us a fact about you.

FUN FACT: I’m really good at bowling… you can ask Ron.

But yea, I spent years working at a bowling alley, a couple actually, when I was younger, and I grew to love bowling. Not really something you hear people rap about very much…. Gotta look into that one. Ha

B.O.S.S. Code Stands for Business Over Social Stress. How can you relate to that in your life and career goals? I don’t let people’s opinions get me down; I keep my social experiences when it comes to the music business 100 percent professional. Take any criticism I get and just look at it as an area to focus on to grow as an artist.


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